Dream Archetypes

  1. 2. I want the world to see me with long and golden-haired eyes bright and ready to take everything on. But if I don't separate myself from you I will lose myself, I cannot be everything that you are.
  2. 5. Can you be better than my real mother? Show me how to be a woman, teach me the ways to use my charms to get what I want
  3. 7. make my dreams mean something. I need guidance through this part of life. Growing up is hard when you don't understand your own mind.
  4. 9. can be found when we learn to understand our unconscious
  1. 1. the one that encourages you to grow. Call him father, mother, teacher. If we reach, we can think higher.
  2. 3. chaotic evil, only in it for his own pleasure. Play me at my own game and never come back.
  3. 4. symbolic reoccurrence of the thoughts that haunt us when we can't control our thoughts
  4. 6. You are a perfect pure and innocent thing. Remind me how good I can be, but don't tell me how far I am from who I was and wanted to be.
  5. 8. Please stay far away. Don't grip at me when I am not looking. Please stop whispering in my ear. You know each of my flaws by name.