Dream jobs

  1. 2. the head of a society, council, or other organizations
  2. 3. Professional who practices medicine
  3. 6. a person who practices the law
  4. 9. a person who drives trucks
  5. 11. Is a professional who practices medicine in non-human animals
  6. 12. a person who serves in an army
  1. 1. Warranted law employee of a police force
  2. 2. a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft
  3. 4. A person who helps students to acquire knowledge
  4. 5. Is a member of the aircrew aboard commercial flights
  5. 7. Drive fire trucks and put out fires using water hoses
  6. 8. Is a surgeon who specializes in dentistry
  7. 10. A person who handles the cash register at various locations