Dreams and Sleep

  1. 3. people experience this when waking up but cannot move
  2. 5. who has longer dreams?
  3. 6. amount of sleep stages
  4. 8. it is suggested that teens need this much sleep a night?
  5. 10. dream more about men?
  6. 12. when FFI will strike in a person
  7. 16. FFI
  8. 20. number of sleep cycles a person typically goes through each night?
  9. 22. Eighty percent of people dream in?
  10. 23. who is coming to get you tonight in your room
  1. 1. REM
  2. 2. dreams last between five and ? minutes?
  3. 4. REM ? prevents a person from acting out his/her dreams?
  4. 7. common universal theme when dreaming, you are being ?
  5. 9. amount of time we spend dreaming in a lifetime?
  6. 11. type of emotion is prevalent in people's dreams
  7. 13. most common color scheme people have in dreams?
  8. 14. we forget __percent of dreams after waking up?
  9. 15. percent of the time babies spend his/her time in REM sleep?
  10. 16. area of the brain that supports memory but is inactive at night
  11. 17. has allowed more people to dream in color
  12. 18. when a person is aware they are dreaming and can control it
  13. 19. humans and ? can dream?
  14. 21. term for a person who cannot sleep?