Dreamweaver's Dream

  1. 1. adds data to the cells of a table
  2. 3. allows user to put a break on the page
  3. 5. allows user to put an ordered list in their webpage
  4. 6. changes the background of a specific page
  5. 7. allows user to add an image to the specific page
  6. 8. Panel at the side of Dream weaver where you can insert specific things
  7. 13. adds a division to the page
  8. 14. allows user to put a list item in an ordered or unordered list
  9. 15. adds a row to a table
  1. 1. allows you to align the text on a page in a specific way
  2. 2. a HTML edit software where you can edit specific files
  3. 4. specifies how many columns a cell centers
  4. 9. allows the user to view Dream weaver in the code & design view
  5. 10. adds a table header to the page
  6. 11. allows paragraphs to be added to a page
  7. 12. allows a page to link to another thing