Drugs in Diabetes

  1. 4. clofibrate analogue
  2. 5. glucose analogues that inhibit SGLT-2 enhancing glucose secretion in kidneys
  3. 7. activate the nuclear receptor PPARy to stimulate gene transcription of GLUT-4, increasing glucose sensitivity
  4. 9. used in treatment for type II diabetes via initiating insulin release
  5. 10. long acting; most widely used; via microcrystal formation asparagine is substituted with glycine plus 2 arginines; soluble at acidic pH; 18-24h duration
  6. 12. short acting; Humalog, Lilly
  7. 15. Dpp-4 inhibitor; used in type II diabetes
  8. 17. Meglinide; selective for pancreatic K channel
  9. 18. intermediate insulin that is bound to a protamine and is used in pregnancy
  10. 19. short acting; Apidra. Sanofi- Aventis
  11. 21. ultra long acting; when injected it is broken down from a multihexomer
  12. 23. most commonly used DPP-4 inhibitor; used in type II diabetes
  1. 1. SGLT-2 inhibitor, lowering blood glucose levels
  2. 2. used in insulin sensitivity/ resistance; inhibits gluconeogensis in liver; used in type II diabetes when dietary control is unsuccessful; produces lactic acidosis
  3. 3. Meglinide; most commonly used; rapid onset used in comb. with metformin; selective for pancreatic K channel
  4. 5. short acting insulin; sulphonylureas used in comb. with metformin; cautions in elderly and renal failure; has many drug interactions
  5. 6. long acting; via protein binding the lysine is substituted w an acid that binds to albumin easily; 5-8h duration
  6. 8. this type of insulin avoids the insulin dimer/ hexameter formation unlike the soluble insulin; it has a fast onset and a shirt duration of action
  7. 11. GLP-1 agonist; SC injection; induces weight loss
  8. 13. intermediate insulin has a crystalline form
  9. 14. most commonly used GLP-1 agonist; used in Type II diabetes; oral tablets; weight neutral
  10. 16. this type of insulin comes in pre- mixed solutions containing diff combinations of short acting insulin and intermediate insulin
  11. 20. DPP-4 inhibitors that elevate GLP-1/GIP stimulating insulin release and decreasing glucagon
  12. 22. Short acting; Novorapid, Novo; most widely used