DTMB AS Treasury Picnic 2023

  1. 3. Head lady in State
  2. 5. The "A" in DBA
  3. 10. The "B" in DTMB
  4. 11. New Government
  5. 12. Needed for entrance
  6. 13. Building we are in
  7. 15. Federal Tax Information
  8. 18. Agency we $upport
  9. 21. General Manager
  1. 1. Brian's Bees
  2. 2. 18th letter of Greek alphabet
  3. 4. Description of what you do
  4. 6. Individual Income Tax
  5. 7. 1 of 3
  6. 8. Abbreviation for our employeer
  7. 9. Quarterly 1x1
  8. 10. 1 of 2
  9. 14. Daughter in optometry school
  10. 16. Former Navy enlisted
  11. 17. Agency Services
  12. 19. Request for Change
  13. 20. Cause of WFH