Dual Language Krug-Word Puzzle

  1. 5. The practice of using more that one language to express a thought or idea.
  2. 7. Awareness of the structure and function of language that allows one to reflect and consciously manipulate the language.
  3. 8. Everything we teach students and expect them to do is through this medium
  4. 9. The vocabulary needed to participate in school.
  5. 11. To convey real or imaginary experiences through stories and histories.
  1. 1. An often used strategy in dual language programs is __, View, Review.
  2. 2. The four key language uses are narrate, inform, explain and __.
  3. 3. The process of learning a language is known as language ___.
  4. 4. The ability to speak and understand written material in two languages.
  5. 6. One of two or more words having the same linguistic root or origin.
  6. 7. A person that speaks more than one language is ___.
  7. 10. According to David Gurteen in Conversational Leadership, it is the ability to express oneself in and understand spoken language.