
  1. 1. Fatal throat injury.
  2. 9. Demotion to lesser duty.
  3. 11. Career advancement for achievements.
  4. 13. Assigned responsibilities.
  5. 14. Intimidation tactic.
  6. 16. Targeted creative professional.
  7. 18. Partner treachery.
  8. 21. Forcible property theft.
  9. 22. Advancement in rank.
  10. 23. Secret deceptive cooperation.
  11. 25. Planned deceptive strategy.
  12. 26. Investigative police authority.
  1. 2. Proof of criminal activity.
  2. 3. Organized criminal group.
  3. 4. Betrayer of trust.
  4. 5. Law-taking individual.
  5. 6. Power misuse.
  6. 7. Unlawful property invasion.
  7. 8. Holding controlled substances.
  8. 10. Proof collection.
  9. 12. Attack on officer.
  10. 15. Drug-dealing gang.
  11. 17. Unlawful killing.
  12. 19. Rogue officer betraying vigilante.
  13. 20. Informal commendation.
  14. 24. Illicit narcotics transaction.