Dust Explosion Prevention

  1. 2. Store dust in these (2 words)
  2. 3. When combustible dusts ignite, it may result in this (2 words)
  3. 5. A chemical required for a combustible dust explosion
  4. 7. A dust explosion happens when combustible dust is __________in air and is ignited
  5. 9. Dust explosions occur when a dispersed combustible material is present in high enough ___________.
  6. 11. Any material that has the ability to disperse in air and catch fire and explode when exposed to an ignition source (2 words)
  7. 12. An example of a solid organic combustible dust hazard
  8. 15. This is required to ignite any given powder (an abbreviation)
  9. 16. An example of a textile that can cause a dust hazard
  10. 17. A term often used to describe combustible dust explosions
  11. 18. The minimum ignition energy required to ignite any given powder depends on this quality of a particle
  1. 1. Type of assessment that can be done to prevent combustible dust explosions (2 words)
  2. 4. One of the five elements required for a combustible dust explosion
  3. 6. The model that describes the five elements that are necessary for a combustible dust explosion to occur (2 words)
  4. 8. What is sign of a combustible dust explosion? (2 words)
  5. 10. An explosion hazard exists when dusts are ___________.
  6. 11. One type of prevention measure for combustible dust hazards (2 words)
  7. 13. A potential consequence of a combustible dust explosion
  8. 14. If signs of a combustible dust explosion are noted, do this.