Dylan Lee Period 6

  1. 1. genus of bacteria in the family Yersiniaceae
  2. 4. A disease caused by uncontrollable cell division
  3. 9. Caused by contaminated food or water
  4. 10. Food poisoning from eating fish
  5. 12. Inflammation of the liver
  6. 13. A kind of pox that causes rashes on the face and is contagious
  7. 14. A waterborne bacteria
  8. 17. When the body cannot control amount of glucose
  9. 19. Very common respiratory disease
  1. 2. Caused by internal bleeding and many fevers
  2. 3. disease caused by a rickettsial parasite of ruminants
  3. 5. caused by a spore-forming bacterium
  4. 6. A fever that occurs in tropical areas
  5. 7. A mosquito borne disease
  6. 8. A type of fever which makes a fungal infection caused by coccidioides
  7. 10. A flu like disease which can be spread easily
  8. 11. inflammation of the brain. There are several causes, but the most common is a viral infection
  9. 15. fatal illness caused by a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum
  10. 16. Caused when flea ticks or other bite you
  11. 18. A disease cuased by fleas originated in europe