Dylan & Rachel
- 2. Name of their dog
- 6. The bar they went to on their first date
- 7. Where they went for their first vacation together
- 10. City they live in now
- 13. Where Rachel went to college
- 15. Their favorite place to eat
- 16. The holiday Dylan proposed on
- 19. Their favorite soda
- 21. Subject Dylan teaches
- 22. Their favorite football team
- 23. Rachel's birthday month
- 1. Where they met
- 3. Month they got engaged
- 4. Their nephew's name
- 5. Dylan's birthday month
- 8. Their favorite show to binge watch
- 9. Dylan's favorite book subject
- 11. Where Dylan went to college
- 12. How Dylan likes his coffee
- 14. Rachel's favorite holiday
- 17. How many cats they have
- 18. Name of the lake they lived on
- 20. Rachel's favorite season