Dynamic Christian Living Unit 2 Terms
- 3. A collection of 13 Old Testament books containing poetic books, the "five scrolls" and the historical books
- 5. Sheet made of plant fibers
- 8. The act whereby God guides believers' minds to understand Spiritual Truth
- 9. Piece of animal skin that had been stretched, scraped, and dried
- 11. Completely dependable and incapable of failing in its purpose
- 13. The first five books of the Bible, written by Moses: also known as "the Law"
- 14. The act whereby God supernaturally directed the writers of the Bible through the Holy Spirit
- 16. Contains 5 books of the Old Testament which were read aloud at various Jewish Festivals
- 17. Greek translation for Old Testament
- 18. The doctrine that God has kept His Word from being lost or destroyed
- 1. Pieces of stone and clay used to record text
- 2. The process of copying and passing down Biblical manuscripts through history
- 4. Free from error
- 6. Non-inspired, non canon books written during the period between the Old and New Testaments
- 7. Whole or complete
- 10. Covenant or agrement
- 12. The prophetic books of the Old Testament
- 15. God's communication of His character and work