Dynamic Christian Living Unit 2 Terms

  1. 3. A collection of 13 Old Testament books containing poetic books, the "five scrolls" and the historical books
  2. 5. Sheet made of plant fibers
  3. 8. The act whereby God guides believers' minds to understand Spiritual Truth
  4. 9. Piece of animal skin that had been stretched, scraped, and dried
  5. 11. Completely dependable and incapable of failing in its purpose
  6. 13. The first five books of the Bible, written by Moses: also known as "the Law"
  7. 14. The act whereby God supernaturally directed the writers of the Bible through the Holy Spirit
  8. 16. Contains 5 books of the Old Testament which were read aloud at various Jewish Festivals
  9. 17. Greek translation for Old Testament
  10. 18. The doctrine that God has kept His Word from being lost or destroyed
  1. 1. Pieces of stone and clay used to record text
  2. 2. The process of copying and passing down Biblical manuscripts through history
  3. 4. Free from error
  4. 6. Non-inspired, non canon books written during the period between the Old and New Testaments
  5. 7. Whole or complete
  6. 10. Covenant or agrement
  7. 12. The prophetic books of the Old Testament
  8. 15. God's communication of His character and work