Dynamic Earth

  1. 3. arc - chain of volcanic islands created at oceanic convergent boundaries
  2. 6. Crust – less dense, thicker part of the lithosphere
  3. 8. Currents – transfer of energy where warmer, less dense material rises, and then later cools and sinks back down creating a cycle; driving force of crust movement (Figure 1)
  4. 10. Zone – an area on the Earth’s surface where seismic waves are absent
  5. 13. – shear waves created during an earthquake, are slower than P-waves, moveside to side (and up & down) and cannot go through liquids
  6. 14. – primary seismic waves created by an earthquake, they move through both solids and liquids and are faster than S-waves, compressional
  7. 17. – plates moving apart; create at rift zones and mid-ocean ridges; where new crust is created
  8. 18. – the layer of the Earth underneath the crust where convection occurs in a specialized semi-solid region called the asthenosphere
  9. 20. features - physical features that occur on earth - volcano, mountains, ridges and trenches
  10. 21. – point on the surface of the Earth above the location of an underground earthquake
  11. 22. Core – solid layer located in the center of the Earth; very high heat, pressure, and density;
  12. 23. the influence of gravity, occurs at convergent boundaries and creates trenches (ESRT p 5)
  13. 24. – made up of the crust and the rigid mantle; the outermost layer of the Earth; completely solid; continental lithosphere is thicker than oceanic lithosphere
  14. 26. – sudden movement of the Earth, creating seismic waves
  15. 27. Crust – the thinner, denser, basaltic bedrock beneath the Earth’s oceans
  1. 1. Ridge – a surface feature created at divergent boundaries, where new igneous rock in being created on the ocean floor
  2. 2. – a volcanic area created when a tectonic plate moves over a location of rising magma within the Earth’s mantle; an example is the Hawaiian Islands
  3. 4. – coming together; two tectonic plates merge and the denser plate subducts
  4. 5. – a gap
  5. 7. mostly of iron and nickel; heat released from radioactive decay of elements here drives
  6. 9. – solid outermost part of the Earth; composed of continental and oceanic crust;
  7. 11. tectonics
  8. 12. – solid layer of the Earth beneath the lithosphere - where convection currents happen
  9. 15. Waves – energetic waves produced by an earthquake
  10. 16. - a mountain having a vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas can erupt out of.
  11. 19. Core – liquid layer of Earth surrounding the inner core, heavy metals (iron & nickel)
  12. 25. (to subduct) – process where the denser oceanic plate crust sinks back into the Earth