Dynamic Planet Unit Test Review

  1. 4. The point on the surface above the source of an earthquake is called the:
  2. 6. Heat convection in the mantle is responsible for breaking the ___ up into plates.
  3. 7. The Hawaiian Islands are ___ volcanoes.
  4. 11. The Hawaiian Islands are a chain of volcanic islands that have formed as the Pacific Ocean plate has moved over a mantle plume. What type of volcano are they? They are ___ volcanoes.
  5. 12. The Earth's ___ heat is the source of the energy that drives plate tectonics.
  6. 14. Earth's ___ crust is the most density.
  7. 16. In addition to forming ore deposits, the ancient failed rift also caused undersea volcanic eruptions. Evidence for this can be found along highways near Marquette in the basalt ___ lavas that formed as lava erupted into the ancient seas.
  8. 17. What type of volcano tends to have explosive eruptions due to having lots of dissolved gasses in the magma?
  9. 18. Our planet's magnetic field is generated by Earth's:
  10. 21. Plates come together at ___ boundaries.
  11. 22. Island arcs – like Alaska’s Aleutian Islands – form at what type of plate boundary?
  12. 24. New oceanic crust forms at divergent plate boundaries. The crust moves ___ the ridge that runs along the center of the divergent boundary.
  13. 27. Alaska's Aleutian Islands are what type of volcano?
  14. 28. An earthquake’s magnitude is a measure of the size of seismic waves it produces.
  15. 30. This type of seismic wave cannot pass through liquids, like our planet's liquid outer core.
  16. 32. The first ___ waves to arrive at a seismograph station, like ours at CHMI, are called P waves.
  17. 33. The ___ magnitude scale is the scale used today to indicate the size of an earthquakes waves,
  18. 34. Africa is splitting apart along the Great Rift Valley. What type of plate boundary is found here?
  1. 1. The oldest ocean crust is found farthest from mid-ocean ___.
  2. 2. Elastic ___ causes earthquakes.
  3. 3. The lithosphere is Earth's outermost solid layer. It includes the crust and the upper ___
  4. 5. A volcano that is fairly symmetrical and has both layers of lava and pyroclastic deposits is a ___ cone volcano.
  5. 7. The study of the behavior of earthquake waves is called:
  6. 8. The Hawaiian Islands were formed when the Pacific Plate moved over a ____.
  7. 9. The point underground where stored energy in a fault is first released - causing an earthquake.
  8. 10. S waves travel ___ than P waves.
  9. 11. Our planet's magnetic field protects us from dangerous ___ radiation.
  10. 13. ___ reversals provide strong evidence for seafloor spreading
  11. 15. Earthquakes are usually associated with ____.
  12. 19. High silica content and dissolved gases contribute to the ___ eruptions of stratovolcanoes.
  13. 20. Most earthquakes occur along plate ___.
  14. 23. The crust and uppermost mantle make up the rigid outer layer of Earth called the ____.
  15. 25. A chain of hot spot volcanoes forms when oceanic crust moves over a mantle ___.
  16. 26. The theory of plate___ helps scientists explain how earthquakes and volcanoes occur.
  17. 27. Both the crust and mantle are made up mostly of ___ minerals.
  18. 29. What metal ore deposits in our Upper Peninsula formed on the bottom of an ancient sea when North America almost split apart along a divergent plate boundary?
  19. 31. Earth's inner core is ___