- 2. A name for unwanted emails
- 5. bully This is someone who uses the internet to intimidate others
- 6. Actions undertaken to befriend and establish an emotional connection to a child
- 8. This is when you share too much personal information with someone you do not know very well
- 10. networking Facebook is an example of one of these
- 11. The term used when someone deliberately winds someone up on line
- 12. Email attachments are one of the main reasons for these spreading
- 13. You must do this if you suspect that one of your friends is a victim of cyber bullying
- 1. Protection Act What does DPA stand for?
- 2. A password which would be hard to crack or guess
- 3. Gaining unauthorised access to computer systems
- 4. information you should not give these details out to people that you don't know
- 7. You can do this to people you do not wish to chat to online
- 9. Strain Injury What does RSI stand for?