Early American Civilizations

  1. 2. used for burials and religious ceremonies
  2. 3. man-made islands, floating gardens
  3. 6. live near streams and water
  4. 8. limestone sinkhole
  5. 11. much of Mayan land was covered in this
  6. 12. a common resource for inuit people
  7. 14. a spanish word for house
  8. 15. live in frozen tundra
  9. 16. the mountain range the inca live in
  1. 1. native, original
  2. 4. much of the Aztec land was like this
  3. 5. materials and supplies people use to survive
  4. 7. the inca system of farming
  5. 9. an area better suited for mayan farming
  6. 10. a religious structure built by mayans
  7. 13. a common food of the iroquois