Early Childhood Puzzle

  1. 2. people with diabetes need to use this regularly
  2. 5. diet A diet that will make you feel alive and well
  3. 8. a rectition your body has to certain things
  4. 9. the act of eating too much
  5. 10. a substance that causes an allergic reaction
  6. 11. the fear of anything new, especially a persistent and abnormal fear
  7. 12. something consumed to balance your diet
  8. 13. not meeting the right requirements in your diet
  1. 1. a disease that affects the sugar and insulin
  2. 3. food that is good for you
  3. 4. being unhealthy with the food your eating
  4. 6. shock a side effect of having an allergic reaction
  5. 7. n easy-to-follow food guide, to help parents to figure out how to feed their kids nutritious, balanced meals