Early Cold War

  1. 3. 34th President of the United States
  2. 5. The operation in which the U.S. and British planes flew food and supplies into West Berlin
  3. 6. The war fought between North Korea, aided by Communist China, and South Korea, supported by the US and other members of the UN
  4. 9. Rivalry that developed after World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies
  5. 10. A campaign or practice that endorses the use of unfair allegations and investigations
  6. 11. A political boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas
  7. 15. Was a Cuban revolutionary and politician who served as Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976
  8. 16. A collective defence treaty established by the Soviet Union and seven other Soviet satellite states in Central and Eastern Europe
  9. 19. Foreign policy to give money and weapons to enemies of the USSR
  10. 21. All Americans have health insurance, that the minimum wage (the lowest amount of money per hour that someone can be paid) be increased, and that, by law, all Americans be guaranteed equal rights.
  11. 22. The organization that provided collective security against the threat posed by the Soviet Union.
  12. 23. The spread of nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons technology, or fissile material to countries that do not already possess them
  13. 24. The program designed to improve U.S. relations with Latin America
  14. 25. A Georgian revolutionary and Soviet politician who ruled the Soviet Union from 1927 until 1953
  1. 1. Competition for supremacy in between the United States, the Soviet Union, and their respective allies during the Cold War
  2. 2. Are those Eastern European nations that were allied with and under the control of the Soviet Union during the Cold War
  3. 4. List of media workers ineligible for employment because of alleged communist or subversive ties
  4. 7. a direct and dangerous standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War and was the moment when the two superpowers came closest to nuclear conflict.
  5. 8. A failed landing operation on the southwestern coast of Cuba in 1961 by Cuban exiles who opposed Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution
  6. 12. A United States policy using numerous strategies to prevent the spread of communism abroad
  7. 13. Prohibits anyone who has been elected president twice from being elected again
  8. 14. A guarded concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989
  9. 17. The World War II meeting of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union
  10. 18. The first major international crises of the Cold War. Soviet Union limited the ability of the United States, Great Britain and France to travel to their sectors of Berlin
  11. 20. The first artificial Earth satellite