Early India
- 3. Teachings of Buddhism, expressing the nature of suffering, its origin, its conclusion, and the path leading to the end of suffering.
- 6. Buddhist principles such as: right understanding, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.
- 7. A large, unique landmass that is part of a larger continent.
- 8. The concept of moral cause and effect, where one's actions in this life or previous lives influence their future experiences.
- 12. A concept in Buddhism, advocating for a balanced and moderate approach to life, avoiding extremes of indulgence or self-denial.
- 15. A vast, fertile region in South Asia formed by the Indus River and its branches.
- 17. An ancient city in the Indus Valley Civilization.
- 18. A person who has devoted their life to religious contemplation, often residing in a monastery.
- 1. A major river flowing through present-day Pakistan and northwest India.
- 2. The belief in the cycle of rebirth, where an individual's soul is reborn into a new body after death.
- 4. To move from one place to another.
- 5. A social hierarchy traditionally dividing people into distinct social classes or castes.
- 9. An ancient city of the Indus Valley Civilization, located in present-day Pakistan.
- 10. The oldest sacred texts of Hinduism. They include hymns, rituals, and philosophical teachings.
- 11. An area of relatively level high ground.
- 13. The world's highest mountain range.
- 14. One of the world's oldest religions, originating in the Indian subcontinent.
- 16. The moral and ethical duties and responsibilities that an individual is expected to follow according to Hinduism.