Early Medieval Europe Review Crossword

  1. 2. Norse barbarians who attacked the people of western Europe during the dark ages by sea
  2. 6. A Frankish king who converted to Christianity along with his people.
  3. 9. A Frankish general who stopped the Muslim invasion of Europe after winning the Battle of Tours.
  4. 10. The highest ranking feudal lord; ruler of a duchy
  5. 11. Battle won by William the Conqueror in 1066 AD for control of England
  6. 12. A mounted professional warrior of the nobility in feudal Europe who served a feudal lord
  7. 13. the medieval knight's code of ideal behavior, including bravery, loyalty, and respect for women
  8. 14. Followers of Islam who invaded Western Europe from the south. The invasion was stopped by the Franks at the Battle of Tours.
  9. 15. A member of the nobility who rules a portion of land in a feudal system
  10. 21. A place where a community of monks live; Catholic monasteries provided community services during the medieval period in Europe
  11. 22. Frankish Duke of Normandy who invaded England, brought feudalism there, and became its first King in 1066AD
  12. 24. A noble who pledges military service to a lord in exchange for land under a feudal system.
  13. 25. Battle won by Frankish general Charles Martel which stopped the Muslim invasion of Europe
  14. 26. The highest rank in a feudal system; ruler of a kingdom
  1. 1. Someone who tries to convert others to believe in a particular religion.
  2. 3. The Nicene Christian religion led by the Pope in Rome which converted most of the population of Western Europe by the end of the Dark Ages
  3. 4. the economic and political system of medieval Europe in which people exchanged loyalty and labor for a lord's protection
  4. 5. The leader of the Franks from 768 to 814 CE, who unified most of the Christian lands of Europe into a single Empire.
  5. 7. A tribe of Germanic barbarians who converted to Nicene Christianity, developed feudalism, and established a large, stable kingdom in Western Europe during the Dark Ages.
  6. 8. people that belonged to the aristocracy in a feudal system; included the king, lords, and knights
  7. 14. A self-sustaining community ruled by a lord under a feudal system; driver of feudal agrarian economy
  8. 16. land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service
  9. 17. A peasant who exchanged their labor for a lord's protection and could not leave the lord's land on which he or she was born and worked
  10. 18. A system of a government where a king attempts to control the lands of the realm through agreements with vassal lords.
  11. 19. A mid-level feudal lord; ruler of a county
  12. 20. Catholic missionary famous for converting Ireland to Christianity
  13. 23. A low level feudal lord; ruler of a barony