Earning Money

  1. 2. not regular or permanent, in particular
  2. 3. earned by number of items made
  3. 4. 2 weeks
  4. 7. a fixed amount of money paid on a regular basis
  5. 9. things that motivates or encourages someone to do something is called ...
  6. 10. a percentage of the sales price, received by the salesperson
  7. 14. money received on a regular basis
  8. 15. beyond the regular hours
  1. 1. money for retirement
  2. 5. money received by workers (usually weekly)
  3. 6. money paid to others for their services
  4. 8. another word for total
  5. 11. the charge when borrowing money
  6. 12. this type of loading is 17.5 percent
  7. 13. what remains after business expenses are deducted