Earning Money

  1. 3. an employee advances to a higher position
  2. 4. getting paid for the number of items made or tasks completed
  3. 5. a percentage of the sales that goes to a salesperson
  4. 9. 1.5x average hourly rate
  5. 12. time worked in addition to one's normal working hours
  6. 13. advance payment
  7. 14. your amount of money before any deductions are made
  1. 1. two weeks
  2. 2. 2x average hourly rate
  3. 6. a fixed annual amount of money
  4. 7. payment calculated on the number of hours you worked
  5. 8. seven days
  6. 10. per year
  7. 11. a sum of money added to a person's wages as a reward for good performance
  8. 15. a compulsory contribution to state revenue