Earning Money

  1. 2. continuous series of events
  2. 5. work paid for according to the quantity produced
  3. 7. 1 twelfth of a year
  4. 8. working after the usual hours expected at your job
  5. 11. a sum of money paid to a salesperson for every sale that he or she makes
  6. 12. 24 in a day
  7. 15. what you earn from your work
  1. 1. made up of 7 days
  2. 3. financial gain
  3. 4. 2 weeks
  4. 6. extra money
  5. 9. When money gets taken off your total earnings
  6. 10. you buy items with it
  7. 13. fixed payment in exchange of work annually
  8. 14. money that is deducted from your wage