Earning Money

  1. 3. A medium of exchange
  2. 7. A percentage of the value of the items sold or made
  3. 9. A fixed regular payment paid annually
  4. 12. For each year used in financial context
  5. 13. Money paid regularly at a certain rate for the money lent
  6. 15. A fixed regular payment paid weekly or fortnightly
  7. 16. A sum of money added to a persons wage
  1. 1. The amount by which something is made smaller, less, or lower in price.
  2. 2. Money received on a regular basis
  3. 4. Income or profit without deductions
  4. 5. An employee taking annual leave is entitled to an extra payment on top of their base rate
  5. 6. Work paid for according to the amount produced.
  6. 8. Additional hours worked
  7. 10. A place where one is employed
  8. 11. Gross income minus deductions
  9. 14. A compulsory contribution to the state based off of income and profits