Earth and Space Science

  1. 2. Hottest planet in the solar system
  2. 3. Cosmic snowballs of frozen gases
  3. 5. study of everything in the univeerse beyond Earth's atmosphere
  4. 7. Celestial body that orbits the Sun
  5. 9. The force that holds everything together in space
  6. 10. a boundless three-dimesional extent pass the Earth's atmospehre
  7. 12. One fourth of the moon showing
  8. 16. The star in our solar system
  9. 17. Space rocks
  10. 19. Scientist that studys Astronomy
  11. 20. A place where gravity pulls so much that light can't get out
  12. 21. Dwarf planet most famously known in the solar system
  13. 22. The fourth planet from the Sun
  14. 23. it includes all of space and matter
  15. 26. system Place that consist of our star and everything bound to it by gravity
  16. 27. The space between Mars and Jupiter where most asteroids are
  17. 28. Planet farthest from the Sun
  1. 1. Largest planet in the solar system
  2. 4. The smallest planet in the solar system
  3. 6. has the most rings out of all the planets
  4. 8. When only half a moon is shown
  5. 11. Tool used for looking into space from a far distance
  6. 13. An almost full moon
  7. 14. When the moon is fully visible
  8. 15. Moon phase on a day before or after a New moon
  9. 18. Large object that circles the Earth
  10. 22. meteor that survives the passing of the Earth's atmosphere
  11. 23. Seventh planet from the Sun
  12. 24. Planet we live on
  13. 25. Small,rocky object that orbits the Sun