earth day
- 1. area Protected region for wildlife and ecosystems.
- 9. Able to decompose naturally.
- 10. Able to be maintained over time.
- 12. Planting trees in deforested areas.
- 16. Natural environment where an organism lives.
- 17. energy Energy sources that don't produce pollution.
- 19. quality Measure of pollutants in the atmosphere.
- 2. Able to be replenished naturally.
- 3. Duty to care for the planet.
- 4. Improving something to make it more environmentally friendly.
- 5. Pertaining to the entire planet.
- 6. Taking action to bring about environmental change.
- 7. Interconnected network of living organisms and their environment.
- 8. Ability to recover from environmental changes.
- 11. Practices that minimize harm to the planet.
- 13. Changing to suit new environmental conditions.
- 14. conservation Efforts to reduce water usage.
- 15. Natural disaster caused by shifting tectonic plates.
- 17. footprint Measure of greenhouse gases produced by human activities.
- 18. Produce grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.