Earth, Moon, Sun

  1. 1. Sun, Earth, Moon
  2. 3. season when the northern hemisphere points more directly at the sun.
  3. 5. Occurs in the spring and fall: equal
  4. 9. 23.5 degrees off.
  5. 11. Sun, Moon, Earth
  6. 13. area with the least direct sunlight.
  7. 15. When we see the entire moon from earth.
  8. 16. area below the equator.
  9. 17. Occurs when the sun is not directly pointing at the northern or southern hemisphere.
  10. 18. Occurs because of the tilt of the Earth.
  1. 2. area above the equator.
  2. 4. day and night
  3. 6. Beginning of the lunar cycle when the moon cannot be seen.
  4. 7. season when the northern hemisphere is having summer.
  5. 8. Area with the most direct sunlight through the year.
  6. 10. orbit
  7. 12. Occurs in the winter and the summer.
  8. 14. Temperature zone around the equator.