Earth Science

  1. 1. magma that is thick, will not flow easily, and has a great deal of gas
  2. 3. proposed that continents all were once together in a supercontinent
  3. 6. where magma thins the crust and comes closer to the surface
  4. 7. large projectiles thrown through the air
  5. 10. molten rock under Earth's surface
  6. 12. large underground pool of molten rock sitting underneath Earth's surface
  7. 16. large cone-shaped volcano
  8. 19. small pieces of rock, minerals, and volcanic glass created during an eruption
  9. 20. magma that flows easily and does not contain much gas
  10. 21. baby batholith
  11. 22. can create explosive eruptions
  12. 24. an active volcanic region
  13. 25. a large basin like depression resulting from the explosion or collapse of the center of a volcano
  14. 27. wide volcanoes with gentle slopes that do not erupt explosively
  15. 28. large hardened magma pool
  16. 29. forms on land when two continental plates diverge
  1. 2. small cone shaped volcano with steep sides
  2. 4. when an oceanic plate slides under another tectonic plate
  3. 5. colliding
  4. 8. circular basin or depression
  5. 9. molten rock above Earth's surface
  6. 11. sliding
  7. 13. dividing
  8. 14. series of islands that form along a convergent boundary
  9. 15. proposed the theory of plate tectonics
  10. 16. horizontal intrusion
  11. 17. fast-moving current of hot gas and rock that moves away from a volcano
  12. 18. underwater mountain range where plates diverge
  13. 23. vertical intrusion
  14. 26. the large super-continent