Earth Science Chapter 6 Lesson 5

  1. 3. There are fewer hours of ______________ in fall than in summer.
  2. 5. _________ comes after summer.
  3. 7. Other animals _____________, or move to a different place.
  4. 8. In fall, some animals ____________ food for the winter.
  5. 9. The _____________ have turned different colors.
  6. 10. Sandhill ____________ migrate every fall.
  7. 11. Then the leaves fall to the ____________.
  1. 1. The air begins to get _____________.
  2. 2. In fall, _______________ harvest crops.
  3. 4. Look at the trees in Bloomington, ______________.
  4. 6. Some animals begin to __________ food for the winter.
  5. 10. The leaves on some trees turn different ____________ in fall.