Earth Science Review #2

  1. 2. instrument that measures air pressure
  2. 4. layers below are older than layers on top
  3. 6. boundary where the plates are moving apart
  4. 7. rock formed from compacted or other rocks
  5. 10. compression wave
  6. 11. chem weathering with rounded edges
  7. 12. downslope movement of rock
  8. 14. wave that shakes particles perpendicular
  9. 15. processes have shaped the Earth in past
  10. 16. plate tectonics to make new ocean floor
  1. 1. boundary where plates are moving together
  2. 3. break up of rock by expansion freezing water
  3. 5. rock formed from crystallization of magma
  4. 8. location directly above the focus
  5. 9. rock formed from heat and pressure
  6. 13. physical disintegration of rock
  7. 14. the record made by seismograph
  8. 16. instrument that records seismic eaves