Earth Science

  1. 3. the edge of a plate
  2. 6. plate boundary in which the plates move toward each other
  3. 9. continental margin far from a plate boundary
  4. 10. rigid layer composed of rust and upper mantle
  5. 12. solid outer layer of the earth
  6. 15. zone where one plate moves under another plate
  7. 17. level ocean floor
  8. 21. plastic layer in the upper mantle
  9. 22. The earth's lithosphere is composed of 8 large (and many small) _____.
  1. 1. melted rock from the mantle
  2. 2. molten inner layer of the earth
  3. 4. shallow seafloor surrounding continents
  4. 5. underwater mountain range
  5. 7. narrow deep ocean floor
  6. 8. weather patterns of the ancient past
  7. 11. plume of rising magma not on a plate boundary
  8. 13. plate boundary in which the plates move away from each other
  9. 14. solid center of the earth
  10. 16. hot, deformable layer of the earth
  11. 18. continental margin on a plate boundary
  12. 19. plate boundary in which the plates move horizontally along the boundary
  13. 20. Meteorologist who first proposed continental drift theory