Earth, Sun & Moon

  1. 2. Planets revolve around these
  2. 4. The visible part of the moon is getting smaller
  3. 9. Tilt
  4. 10. To spin in place
  5. 11. The season in which the earth is farthest from the sun
  6. 13. The direction of orbits
  7. 15. During this type of eclipse, the order is sun, moon and earth
  8. 16. During winter, the earth is tilted ______ from the sun
  9. 17. To go around an object
  10. 19. the lighter part of the shadow during an eclipse
  11. 22. More than half of the moon is visible
  12. 24. The entire moon is not visible
  13. 25. The appearance of the moon due to it's position during the lunar month
  1. 1. The reason for the seasons
  2. 2. The season after winter, but before summer
  3. 3. The first quarter moon occurs _____ days after the new moon
  4. 4. The visible part of the moon is getting bigger
  5. 5. The curved path around a celestial object
  6. 6. Our galaxy
  7. 7. Less than half of the moon is visible
  8. 8. As the earth moves towards the sun, the days become _________
  9. 12. The moon is fully visible
  10. 14. During this type of eclipse, the order is sun, earth then moon
  11. 18. The season after summer, but before winter
  12. 20. Equal periods of night, for example Spring and Fall
  13. 21. The season in which the earth is closest to the sun
  14. 23. The darkest part of a shadow during an eclipse
  15. 26. Our star