Earth-Sun-Moon System

  1. 1. The portion of illuminated Moon you are able to see changes, these changes are called ______ of the Moon.
  2. 3. Only ______ of the Moon is illuminated by the Sun.
  3. 6. During our summer, the Earth is positioned such that the northern hemisphere is tilted ______ the Sun.
  4. 7. During the other half of the lunar cycle, the illuminated area of the Moon visible on Earth is decreasing; the Moon is said to be ______ .
  5. 8. The side of the Earth illuminated by the Sun is in ______ .
  6. 10. Tilting towards the Sun also means that the sunlight in the summer is more ______ than it is during the winter.
  1. 2. The change from winter to summer is called ______.
  2. 4. A ______ eclipse occurs when the Earth blocks out the light of the Sun.
  3. 5. A ______ eclipse occurs when the Moon blocks out the light of the Sun.
  4. 6. The Earth has seasons because its axis is ______ .
  5. 7. For half the lunar cycle, the illuminated area of the Moon visible on Earth is increasing; the Moon is said to be ______ .
  6. 9. The change from summer to winter is called ______.
  7. 11. During our winter, the Earth is positioned such that the northern hemisphere is tilted ______ the Sun.