Earth system and plate tectonics

  1. 5. the border between 2 plates
  2. 6. the outmost layer of the Earth that consists of the crusts and the brittle upper mantle
  3. 7. the scientific study of Earthquake and the internal structure of the Earth
  4. 8. pieces that the lithosphere layer broke into
  5. 10. when 2 tectonic plates collide with each other
  6. 12. when 2 tectonic plates move away from each other
  7. 13. layer of mainly dense basalt that supports the Earth's oceans
  8. 14. the crust made of land and the extended continental shelf around it.
  9. 17. part of the mantle under lithosphere
  1. 1. the sphere that contains all of the planet's living organisms and includes the other 3 spheres
  2. 2. when 2 plates collide and 1 plate sinks into the mantle under the other plate
  3. 3. type of current that occurs in the mantle layer
  4. 4. the sphere that is made up of all the water of our planet
  5. 9. the study of the Earth and the rocks that make it up
  6. 11. energy traveling through Earth in the form of a wave
  7. 15. Scientists that study Geology
  8. 16. the sphere that contains all the gases on the Earth's surface