Earthquake safety & the dangers of Volcanos

  1. 2. what is the process called when 2 plates rub on each other
  2. 4. True or False: You wanna go into an open field and get away from buildings and trees if outside during an earthquake
  3. 6. you usually want to get ___ from a volcano
  4. 8. these 2 disasters cause a lot of ________
  5. 10. True or False: You should hide under a window during an earthquake
  6. 11. make sure you always have a ___ just in case a volcano or earthquake happens
  1. 1. True or False: Earthquakes can cause other natural disasters
  2. 3. what substance erupts from a volcano
  3. 5. this place is more prone to earthquake and volcano eruptions & it also borders the Pacific ocean(no spaces)
  4. 7. Are volcanos dangerous(yes or no)
  5. 9. You usually hide under this during an earthquake