earthquakes and valcanoes

  1. 2. outer surface
  2. 5. the lithosphere and the asthenosphere
  3. 7. the super continent
  4. 9. oceanic crust to the ocean floor
  5. 10. Wegener
  6. 12. of plate tectonics
  7. 13. the boundary with each other, moving it in different directions
  8. 16. lithosphere are in motion,driven by convection currents in the mantle
  9. 18. zone back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary
  10. 20. currents
  11. 21. plates move apart
  12. 22. Scientist who developed the Theory of the Continental Drift in 1912.
  13. 23. core surrounds the inner core of the Earth
  14. 25. core material at the center of the Earth
  1. 1. ridge The undersea mountain floor is produced; a divergent plate boundary
  2. 3. mantle on which the lithosphere floats
  3. 4. process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary
  4. 6. spreading
  5. 8. boundary two plates move toward each other
  6. 11. of the mantle and the crust
  7. 14. earth's lithosphere along which rocks move
  8. 15. canyon on the ocean floor
  9. 17. two layers - the lithosphere and the asthenosphere
  10. 19. drift continents were once one huge land mass but have since then drifted apart
  11. 24. valley