Earthquakes and Volcanoes

  1. 2. core: An extremely hot, solid sphere mostly iron and nickel at the centre of the earth
  2. 3. plates: This occurs when 2 plates slide past eachother
  3. 8. An avalanche of volcanic ash
  4. 9. Likes to chase mice
  5. 10. That point on the earth's surface directly above the hypocenter of an earthquake
  6. 11. The fine grained material produced by a pyroclastic eruption
  7. 14. The calculated location of the focus of an earthquake
  8. 18. Crust: Outermost solid layer of the earth that forms the continents
  9. 20. The maximum height of a wave crest or depth of a trough
  10. 21. volcano: A volcano which is erupting.
  11. 22. A weak point in the earth's crust where the rock layers have ruptured and slipped
  12. 23. Man's best friend
  13. 26. Large marsupial
  14. 27. The layer of rock that lies between the outer crust and the core of the earth
  15. 28. Pieces of crust and brittle uppermost mantle
  1. 1. The outermost solid shell
  2. 4. plates: This occurs when 2 plates move apart, usually under water
  3. 5. tectonics: A widely accepted theory that relates most of the geologic features near the earth's surface to the movement and interaction of relatively thin rock plates
  4. 6. Flying mammal
  5. 7. An earthquake that follows a larger earthquake
  6. 12. plates: When plates diverge and Magma from the Mantle spews onto the Earth surface
  7. 13. Has a trunk
  8. 15. Hot fluid or semifluid material below or within the earth's crust from which lava and other igneous rock is formed by cooling
  9. 16. plates: When the edges of some plates move towards eachother
  10. 17. core: The only liquid layer of the Earth
  11. 19. Low amplitude, continuous earthquake activity commonly associated with magma movement
  12. 24. A steep-sided mass of viscous (doughy) lava extruded from a volcanic vent
  13. 25. A dark, fine-grained volcanic rock