Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. Molten rock beneath the Earth's surface
  2. 6. Type of fault where two plates move apart from one another.
  3. 10. A scale measuring the intensity of an earthquake, ranging from 1-10.
  4. 12. Outer most layer of the Earth's surface which floats on the mantle and is made up of tectonic plates.
  5. 14. A type of fault where two plates collide with each other.
  6. 15. Volcano which has more violent, deadly eruptions which mainly contain ash and heated gas.
  7. 19. Another name for the crust and the upper mantle.
  8. 20. Magma that reaches Earth's surface.
  9. 21. Volcano built up by layers of lava emissions.
  10. 23. Instrument which measures and records the intensity of earthquakes.
  11. 25. What happens when one plate slides under another.
  1. 1. A fracture in the Earth's crust caused when two plates move apart from each other.
  2. 2. Solid portion of the center of the Earth.
  3. 4. A narrow raised portion of land where two plates come together.
  4. 5. A wave of energy released when two plates slide against or past each other.
  5. 7. Area in which the plates first break or slide across each other.
  6. 8. Type of fault characterized by two plates sliding against each other (ex- One moving north, the other moving south).
  7. 9. Another name for the mantle.
  8. 11. Transfer of heat in a circular motion.
  9. 13. Hot rock, ash, or gases released by the eruption of a composite volcano.
  10. 16. Theory which states that the earth is made up of moving plates.
  11. 17. Oceanic crust which slides beneath another plate.
  12. 18. An opening in the Earth's surface which allows heat, gas or lava to escape.
  13. 22. More fluid yet solid portion of the center of the Earth.
  14. 24. Portion of the earth made up of molten rock/magma beneath the crust but outside of the core and comprises 70% of Earth's volume.