Earthquakes, Volcanoes, And Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. Single large landmass made up of all the continents connected together that broke apart 200 million years ago.
  2. 7. A tracing of earthquake motion that is created by a seismograph.
  3. 8. A weak spot in the middle of a tectonic plate where magma surfaces; forms a volcano.
  4. 9. Very dense, solid center of the Earth that is made of mostly iron with smaller amounts of oxygen, silicon, sulfur, or nickel.
  5. 11. Cycle of heating, rising, cooling, and sinking that is thought to be the force behind plate tectonics.
  6. 12. Measure of the energy released by an earthquake.
  7. 13. An earthquake that occurs after a larger earthquake in the same area.
  8. 16. Energy waves that are produced at and travel outward fro the earthquakes focus.
  9. 18. Largest layer inside Earth, lying directly above the outer core and that is made mostly of silicon, oxygen, magnesium, and iron.
  10. 19. An opening on Earth's surface where magma is forced up and flows out as lava.
  1. 1. A long high sea wave caused by an earthquake or other disturbance.
  2. 2. Point in Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus.
  3. 3. Point at the depth where the rocks ruptured to produce earthquakes; places were quake waves originate.
  4. 4. Bits of rock or solified lava dropped from the air.
  5. 6. hypothesis proposed by Alfred Wegener that the states that continents have moved slowly to their current locations on Earth.
  6. 10. Plastic-like layer below the lithosphere.
  7. 11. Earths outermost layer.
  8. 14. A layer of molten iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core of Earth.
  9. 15. Remains or traces of a once living organism reserved by rock.
  10. 17. Surface along which rocks break and move.