Earth's Changing Surface

  1. 4. a break in Earth’s crust where the rocks on either side have moved
  2. 5. depressions of the sea floor, relatively narrow in width, but very long. the deepest parts of the ocean floor
  3. 7. the scientific theory that the crust is made up of rigid pieces, called tectonic plates, that move across Earth’s surface
  4. 10. the process by which a collision between two tectonic plates forces the denser plate under the less dense plate
  5. 13. A seafloor mountain system formed by plate tectonics, found at divergent boundaries
  1. 1. a plate boundary where two of more plate are moving apart
  2. 2. the hypothesis that the continents slowly drifted to their current positions after having been part of a single, giant landmass that broke apart
  3. 3. The edge of two or more tectonic plate
  4. 6. a plate boundary where two of more plate are moving past each other
  5. 8. a plate boundary where two of more plate are moving together
  6. 9. At a mid-ocean ridge the plate boundary slowly pull away from each other, allowing molten rock to rise, solidify, and form new seafloor
  7. 11. break in the crust of Earth object,that allows hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases to escape from a magma chamber below the surface
  8. 12. a natural disaster that occurs on a fault when plates shift