Earth's Layers and Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. Landform that forms when plates move away or separate.
  2. 6. Scientists believe all the continents were once a supercontinent called ____________.
  3. 8. When plates come together.
  4. 10. The boundaries between plates.
  5. 11. We live on the __________. It is Earth's thinnest layer.
  6. 12. The inner core is a ________ ball of iron.
  7. 14. Earth's thickest layer.
  1. 1. Landform that forms when plates come together.
  2. 2. When plates move past one another.
  3. 3. When plates move away or separate.
  4. 4. The moving and shifting of the large plates that make up land on earth.
  5. 7. Natural disaster that occurs when plates move past one another.
  6. 9. Made of molten (liquid) iron and nickel.
  7. 10. Earth is made up of _______ layers.
  8. 13. Temperature and pressure ______________ the further into Earth's layers you go.