Earth's Life

  1. 2. process where one plate sinks beneath the other
  2. 5. a deeper depression in the ground
  3. 8. type of boundary that move towards each other
  4. 13. fastest type of seismic waves
  5. 16. aside from earthquake,divergent boundary will produce
  7. 23. the shockwaves of released energy that shakes the Earth
  8. 26. type of boundary that slide past each other
  9. 27. boundary between two or more plates
  10. 31. proponent of The Continental Drift Theory
  11. 32. the outer part of the Earth
  12. 35. only p-waves can travel along the,
  13. 36. occurs in all types of boundaries
  14. 38. a supercontinent that broke apart and the continents drifted to their present positions.
  15. 39. continental-oceanic convergence forms,
  16. 40. used to determine the distance of the epicenter from each station
  1. 1. layer of the Earth that consists of crust and upper mantle
  2. 3. seismic wave that travels through the Earth rather than across its surface.
  3. 4. type of boundary that moves away from each other
  4. 6. crust under continents and other land masses
  5. 7. type of convergence where continental and oceanic plates collide
  6. 9. underwater mountain range that is formed by plate tectonics
  7. 10. is the molten or semi-molten natural material from which all igneous rocks are formed
  8. 11. a concentration of heat in the mantle capable of creating magma
  9. 12. states that the Eartgh's surface or the lithosphere is divided into plates that constantly move
  10. 14. middle layer of the Earth
  11. 15. landmass existed 200 million years ago
  12. 18. composed of land,water and air
  13. 19. slowest kind of seismic waves
  14. 20. part of the upper mantle that is made up of solid rocks that are able to flow.
  15. 21. crust that is under the world's oceans
  16. 22. the inside layer of the Earth
  17. 24. a chain of volcanoes that is formed parallel to a trench
  18. 25. type of seismic wave that arrives second
  19. 28. type of convergence where two thick continental plates collide
  20. 29. type of convergence where convergent boundary occurs between two oceanic plates
  21. 30. a geological process that forms new areas of oceanic crust
  22. 33. the movement of the plates
  23. 34. Greek word for "earthqake"
  24. 37. surface seismic waves that has "shearing nature"