Earths structure and plate tectonics

  1. 2. the belief that all the contents made one giant land mass
  2. 6. this is the second layer of the earth
  3. 7. _________ mantle
  4. 10. these plates along with the mantle are located in the _________
  5. 12. propoesed the theory of sea floor spreading
  6. 14. the earths crust is made of _____________ plates
  7. 15. when the earth "swallows" up the old crust
  8. 18. a Rift Valley is formed when this boundary happends
  9. 19. when magma reaches the earth surface
  10. 20. flats are a result of this boundary
  1. 1. the person who cam up with the idea of Pangea
  2. 3. the upper/lower mantle and the mantle is a part of the _______
  3. 4. this is the third layer of earth
  4. 5. the result of two plates rubbing against each other
  5. 8. the mantle's state of mater a a solid with _______
  6. 9. one of the two types of techtonic plates (land)
  7. 11. the other type of techtonic plate (ocean)
  8. 13. mountains, volcanoes and deep sea trenches form with this boundary
  9. 16. the outermost layer of the earth
  10. 17. _____core, the last layer