East Asia

  1. 3. This religion enter China through the Silk Road, rose with the collapse of the Han Dynasty.
  2. 6. Only female empress in China to rule alone.
  3. 8. China viewed non Chinese people as.
  4. 9. Labor required to aid the state in China.
  5. 10. Referred to as southern barbarians, continuously paid tribute to China.
  6. 12. Became the Chinese capital during the Ming Dynasty.
  7. 14. The belief system that was renewed during the Ming Dynasty.
  8. 16. Sometimes allies with China, but China failed to take them over.
  9. 17. The Chinese population increased in China mostly due to.
  10. 18. The dynasty known as the best ordered state in the world.
  11. 19. Muslim captain to Ming maritime expeditions.
  12. 20. officials in China were selected based on.
  1. 1. Necessary for entrance into Chinese trade.
  2. 2. The "golden age" of China began in the_____Dyansty.
  3. 4. When an import comes into the country and is built upon it is called import_______.
  4. 5. The dynasty that discouraged the continuation of Mongol influence.
  5. 7. Never invaded by China, celebrated military over education.
  6. 11. Chinese job of surveilling over the government.
  7. 13. Provided refuge for fleeing Chinese after the fall of the Han.
  8. 15. Emperor of the Ming Dynasty that built the forbidden city and temple of heaven.