East Asian Religions

  1. 2. Nectar made with sugar and water, symbolizing the sweetness of compassion.
  2. 4. religion A discipline that attempts to compare and understand patterns found in different religious traditions.
  3. 6. A sudden experience of enlightened awareness.
  4. 8. Believing in one’s received traditions as completely and exclusively true.
  5. 11. A sound or phrase chanted to evoke sound vibration of one aspect of creation or to praise a deity.
  6. 12. Singing of sacred hymns from Guru Granth Sahib.
  7. 13. Moral order, righteousness, religion.
  8. 14. Monument containing Buddhist relics or images.
  1. 1. Belief that all life was created by God.
  2. 3. The holy Name of God, as recited by Sikhs.
  3. 5. Belief that if there is anything beyond this life it is impossible for humans to know it.
  4. 6. A question used by Zen teachers to boggle the student’s mind and thus liberate direct awareness.
  5. 7. The Supreme Reality.
  6. 9. The doctrine of voidness, emptiness.
  7. 10. Our actions and their effects on this life and lives to come.
  8. 12. Small sword worn by Khalsa initiates.