East Asian Religions

  1. 3. is suffering
  2. 5. path must be followed
  3. 10. and priests are supposed to guide others in Hinduism
  4. 12. must be acquired through fulfilled duties
  5. 14. was believed in both Buddhism and Hinduism
  6. 16. along with rulers were at the top of Hinduism's caste system
  7. 17. is the end goal for all Hindus
  8. 18. were one of the religious leaders in Buddhism
  1. 1. caused by desire
  2. 2. is the end goal for all Buddhist
  3. 4. desire
  4. 6. was founded by Guatamo
  5. 7. were another religious leader in Buddhism
  6. 8. was more focused on rather than death in Daoism
  7. 9. was Allegedly founded by Lou Tzu
  8. 11. is a mix of Harapens and Aryans
  9. 13. believed good and bad were equal
  10. 15. lama is only in Tibetan Buddhism