
  1. 4. an egg that is painted and hidden
  2. 6. now where can I store all these eggs as I collect them?
  3. 8. a holy day of festivity or recreation when no work is done
  4. 10. the Friday before Easter is called
  5. 12. a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of God
  6. 14. returning to life after dying
  7. 16. the act of hanging someone upon a cross
  8. 18. who died on a cross and resurrected for us?
  9. 19. what a group of flowers is called
  10. 20. a search for something, such as an egg
  1. 1. an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God
  2. 2. the holiday celebrating Jesus' sacrifice
  3. 3. the holiday meal Jesus shared with his apostles before he was arrested
  4. 5. talking to god
  5. 7. our creator, to whom we pray
  6. 9. a stain or ink used to color eggs
  7. 11. the month we celebrate Easter
  8. 13. what Jesus was killed upon which has now become a holy symbol
  9. 15. the animal associated with easter
  10. 17. a cuter name for a rabbit