- 1. The Friday before Easter Sunday.
- 4. The Sunday on which Holy week begins.
- 7. These buns are eaten to symbolise the cross on which Jesus was nailed too.
- 10. Christians believe that jesus is the S__O_ G___
- 11. The 40 day period after which Easter is celebrated.
- 12. The week celebrated before Easter Sunday.
- 14. The disciple that betrayed Jesus
- 15. Followers of Jesus who visited the tomb/cave.
- 2. Jesus coming back to life from the dead.
- 3. He is supposed to bring eggs.
- 4. The supper Jesus ate with his diciples before his crucifiction.
- 5. The symbol by which Christians remember the death and resurrection
- 6. How was Jesus Killed
- 8. The Thursday in Holy week.
- 9. The name given to the Sunday where Christians remember Jesus rising from the dead.
- 13. Christians believe he was resurrected