- 5. Jesus wore a crown of _____.
- 7. Jesus' last meal with his disciples
- 8. Jesus was meant to die on this
- 10. To live forever in ______ with Christ
- 13. This sacrament symbolizes Jesus' body and blood
- 14. "Do not be afraid. Jesus isn't here; He has ____!"
- 15. Jesus rode on a ______ during palm sunday
- 1. Jesus prayed in the garden of __________
- 2. God's great gift to us
- 3. Jesus rising from the dead
- 4. The disciple who betrayed Jesus
- 6. What was the name of the city Jesus entered
- 9. Roman soldiers placed a ______ in front of Jesus' tomb
- 11. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- 12. The word people shouted as Jesus entered the city