
  1. 4. What is the name of the hill where Jesus was crucified?
  2. 5. The day before Easter Sunday
  3. 6. The week before Easter
  4. 7. Traditional Easter color
  5. 10. What country did the tradition of decorating Easter eggs originate?
  6. 11. Game that traditionally played with Easter eggs
  7. 12. Easter animal
  8. 15. Acronym of „Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews“
  1. 1. Thing that are decorated
  2. 2. What plant was Jesus crown made of
  3. 3. Easter bunny's preferred food
  4. 8. Flower associated with Easter
  5. 9. The type of cloth that Jesus' body was wrapped in before he was buried
  6. 13. Easter month
  7. 14. Which day Jesus resurrected